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    India Club celebrates Diwali - Indian Down Under

    IC RDA Submission

    India Club believes the Government's proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act will impair harmony and social cohesion in Australia

    India Club is a not-for-profit organization of progressive people of Indian origin and Australians, and actively promotes harmony, goodwill and worthy interests of the Indian Australian community in Australia.

    On 13 April 2014, India Club members met and resolved to convey their deep concern regarding the Government's proposed changes repealing sections 18 B, C, D and E of the Racial Discrimination Act and inserting different and much weaker provisions in their place.

    The proposed changes including the exemptions will offer a green light to the exercise of hate speech, threatening harmony and social cohesion between the culturally diverse communities, including all minority and majority communities in Australia. These changes will permit negative, offensive and divisive language and behaviour, as well as diminish any chance of getting a fair trail by the victims of intimidation and vilification.

    As India Club members strive to reaffirm existing noble Australian commitment to a harmonious, multicultural society free of hate speech and conflicts; India Club urges the Government not to proceed with and completely withdraw any such proposed changes detrimental to the well being of Australians.

    My Submission Re RDA

    To :    Human Rights Policy Branch
             Attorney-General's Department

    I believe the Government's proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act will impair harmony and social cohesion in Australia.

    The current RDA legislation making racial discrimination unlawful in Australia, has served the Australian communities very well over 20 years. As a result this progressive Australian system being conducive to good behaviour, is praise worthy and regarded as fair by all.

    The proposed changes including the exemptions, will offer a green light to the exercise of hate speech, threatening harmony and social cohesion between
    the culturally diverse communities, including all minority and majority communities in Australia. These changes will permit negative, offensive and divisive
    language and behaviour, as well as diminish any chance of getting a fair redressal by the victims of intimidation and vilification.

    The current legislation is to protect all Australians regardless of their backgrounds, not just minority ethnic groups. I firmly believe that the proposed Government changes threaten the harmony of communities and well being of Australians of diverse backgrounds. These changes, taking Australia backward, are of such great concern in the cohesive multicultural Australian society that most progressive organizations and prominent individuals from all walks of life oppose it; the majority verdict is further evident from the recent polling on the issue.

    Australians believe it should continue to be unlawful to "offend, insult or humiliate" based on race or ethnicity.

    As an Australian, I strive to reaffirm the existing noble Australian commitment to a harmonious, multicultural society free of hate speech and conflicts. I urge the Federal Government to stop these changes and to withdraw its Exposure Draft of the "Freedom of Speech (Repeal of Section 18C) Bill 2014"

    I also urge the Premier of NSW - Mike Baird to convince the Prime Minister of the damage that these unwelcome changes have the potential to cause."

    Shubha Kumar - 0402257588 ~ 02-98731207

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